One of the most effective mechanisms of an automobile, the catalytic converter works solidly to clean hazardous chemicals. And, it compounds from drain gases. Besides, this article demonstrates how to clean a catalytic converter step by step.
The uses
It is important to work to get junked up, which means that it requires standard cleaning to function properly. Although catalytic converters are most common uses in electrical generators, forklifts removal equipment, vehicles, and others.
They are also used on some wood stoves to manage emissions. Here we’ll discuss everything you require to know the best way to clean your device with a catalytic converter.
Things should be considered before starting to clean
In some cases, the parts inside the catalytic converter are not at work. Sometimes, you can’t repair your catalytic converter without removing and replacing it. Actually, why is it? Let`s see how to clean a catalytic converter.
Too Congested
Once your catalytic converter is so clogged, and the engine can not run, you have to remove the catalytic converter. Moreover, either use a special tackle or replace the whole catalytic converter.
Re-Check/pay attention to slack parts
You should look and punch your catalytic converter with awareness if there seem to be any loose parts inside it. If you find anything, I advocate removing and checking the catalytic converter. Because it will turn into danger and result in your vehicle stopping while driving.
Refine Catalyst
First, the catalytic converter needs to be clean inside. It is harsh to see without removing it and Fixing it.
Oil Consumption
In this case, you should always mend the internal oil escape earlier than using this cure. It may only work for a short time until the catalytic converter is clogged again.
Moreover, please make sure that this product will not repair mechanical faults inside your catalytic converter. If it’s fractured, broken, or too clogged. This is a cleaner for the catalytic converter which may have run with some oil burn before.
Related: 12 Causes Burning Oil Smell Through Vents: Reasons And Solutions
The Necessary Equipment
- Gloves.
- Safety goggles.
- Container or tub.
- Automotive degreaser.
- Penetrating oil (e.g. WD-40).
- Jack and Jack stand.
- Wrench (check bolt size in the vehicle owner’s manual or online).
- Oxygen sensor wrench.
- Shop towels.
- Pressure Washer
How to Clean Catalytic Converter – Step by Step
Eventually, catalytic converters can get clogged and hence become less efficient in controlling these poisonous gasses. Because it leads to upper levels of emissions. But the good news is that some quite easy steps show for cleaning Catalytic Converter and here we’ll discuss.
- how to clean a catalytic converter without removing it?
- how to clean a catalytic converter by removing it?
1.How to Clean the Catalytic Converter Without Removing It?
The catalytic converter works as a cleaner to get it all cleaned up. If you think that it’s a lengthy job of cleaning your catalytic converter and you finally understand that you want to clean the converter without removing it.
Then don’t worry, here we’ll guide you that will solve your entire qualm. First of all Safety checks are most important if you are going to clean the converter without removing it and if you think everything is ok then you can try the below methods.
Before going further Make sure yourself the best cleaner
The first step when cleaning a catalytic converter, you need to think you are getting the most efficient and good quality cleaner. Whatever you’re suggested by others but do not compromise on this and be informed product reviews and all the catalog information also invest in a good one as it will benefit you in the long term
Wait Until Tank Has the Right Amount of Fuel
Your motor vehicle will most likely have some fuel, the second step is to wait for it to have the right amount for the perfect mix. Most catalytic converter cleaners will necessitate you to mix them with around 15 liters of gas while others might require a little more or less than this. But the right idea would be to read the instructions on the mixing ratio required before using the product.
Add Cleaner to the Tank
The next step is to add the cleaner to the fuel tank and depending on the type that you are utilizing and the amount of fuel on your tank; you can also use the whole bottle or half of it.
Be sure to follow the included instructions on the cleaner bottle. You should keep the engine running appropriately, an erroneous one can cause problems. And unless the instructions instruct otherwise, do not add anything else to the fuel tank.
Drive your car
With the catalytic converter cleaner in your fuel tank, it is time now to drive around to circulate and allow it to do the job.
Also, appraisal of the guidelines or instructions on the bottle to determine how long or how far you require to drive to make sure the cleaning agent gets the job done.
Nevertheless, when it works you can simply tell by the noticeable improvements in engine misfires, lethargic acceleration, and smoky exhaust.
Refill Tank When Nearly Empty
The last step is to permit the vehicle to utilize the fuel until the tank is virtually empty to ensure the utmost efficacy of the catalytic converter cleaner. When the tank is almost empty, you can now fill it up and go for a test drive.
You should notice that the engine now runs smoothly. But, if there are no changes, you can repeat the steps above one more time for another round of clean-up.
2. How to Clean the Catalytic Converter by Removing It?
The catalytic converters are used as a cleaner to get it all cleaned up. Provided the catalytic converter cleaner does not work properly, then the other method of cleaning it will demand removing and soaking it.
Allow Vehicle to Cool Down and Jack It
when the car cools down, you should be reading other supplies. And once it cools enough, the next step is to jack it up and use the stand to keep it secure as you work.
Locate the Catalytic Converter
With the car jacked up, the next step is to locate the catalytic converter. But, before doing this, you need to make sure that you wear protective gear such as gloves and goggles for safety when working.
Remove Oxygen Sensor
After that, take away the oxygen sensor using the oxygen sensor wrench, and do it with awareness to ensure you do not damage it. Some vehicle types will have more than one, but the most important thing is to ensure you grip them carefully and set them aside.
Remove Catalytic Converter
Once the oxygen sensor is absent, the next step is to remove the catalytic sensor. Here you also require to be keen to ensure you do not damage it and as you loosen the bolts, you should hold the catalytic converter with the other hand.
Wipe down the Catalytic Converter
Moreover, you need to initially inspect it to confirm it is not damaged and therefore requires complete replacement. If it is still in good working condition, the next step is to wipe it down using a shop towel to get rid of any residue on the surface.
Soak Catalytic Converter
Therefore, you should plan the soaking solution, and to do this, you will need to fill up a tub with some hot water and then add the degreaser to the water.
Once the solution is ready, you should now place the unit in it. Soak the catalytic converter for any place between 30 minutes and 1 hour while making sure you either under or overdo it.
Rinse and Leave it to Dry
After the soaking, you should get rid of the catalytic converter of the tub and then rinse it thoroughly using the pressure washer while also keeping the pressure low.
When rinsing, make sure you get rid of any build-up in the outlet and inlet pipes, and then allow the unit to dry. For drying, you should place it in a shop towel and allow it to dry off completely.
Reinstall Everything and Go for a Test Drive
Once your catalytic converter is dry enough, you can now reinstall everything. First, secure the catalytic converter using the bolts. And the last step once, reinstall everything and take your car for a test drive. If the clean-up was successful, you should feel some difference in how the car drives.
How to Unclog a Catalytic Converter
You are sure about the state of your catalytic converter, and you’re probably looking for a quick fix. The good news is that there are two ways to unclog them.
A clogged catalytic converter can be a serious problem for your car. If you think the converters are inoperable, it might need some professional help because of how expensive this part is and if not done right initially there could easily cause more damage than good!
There are many ways to unclogging one’s catalytic converter but these 2 methods will get rid most any issue that has built up trust me I’ve tried them all myself at one point or another while maintaining my vehicle’s efficiency level high by using only top quality products made especially for fixing things like our exhaust system problems.
how to unclog a catalytic converter without removing it
If you have a clogged catalytic converter, the best way to unclog it is with this method. It only works when there’s enough oxygen in your exhaust system for combustion and because of that condition, alone cat converters aren’t always ideal cleaning tools – but not impossible! Here’s how:
- You should get a catalytic converter that works well with your car.
- It’s important to make sure that you have enough fuel in your tank. You should always keep at least 15 liters of gas, just like with any car or motorized equipment.
- Pour the catalytic converter cleaner into your car’s fuel tank. The most important step in maintaining a clean engine is to keep it running smoothly and efficiently by following proper maintenance routines with each filling of gas, oil changes at specified intervals (or more often than not), etc.
- To keep your car in top condition, drive it at a high speed for 30 minutes. The aim is to let the system cool down and clean itself without overdoing it by allowing temperatures to get too high while driving- so have an exit plan.
- Re-calibrate the OBD code after which you should read your catalytic converter
How to unclog the Catalytic Converter by Removing It
Some automobiles tools required
- Some automotive degreaser
- A large container
- Some penetrating oil
- A Floor jack
- Jack stands
- An impact wrench
- A pressure washer
Now let’s drive into
There are a few different things that you can do to make sure the car is safe before getting back on. You should jack up your vehicle and place it onto stands so as not to risk any damage from suddenly dropping parts, like an oxygen sensor or catalytic converter (in case one has gone bad).
Then take out all six hex bolts connecting this part with another piece of equipment: this will prevent them from catching fire due to its proximity close by; if there’s no rattle after removing these two sections then proceed accordingly. Connecting pipes carry exhaust gas into channels under front/rear tires where they’re burned off during driving – but often lead fumes to build up in here too which poses danger when trying anything risky without proper safety gear.
After washing the catalytic converter, you must thoroughly rinse it with fresh water. Next, remove any excess cleaner or degreaser from your pressure washer’s nozzles to avoid splashing on anything that shouldn’t be exposed like oxygen sensors.
Lastly, put everything back together following these steps in order for them not only to work but also to last longer than before.
How to Use Catalytic Converter Cleaner
Cataclean is easy to use, so anyone can do it. No matter your skill level – whether you’re an experienced mechanic or just starting out in this field.
Follow these handy steps
- Pour the contents of your gas tank and seal into a clean bottle. You can use this for a fuel safe-guard or to store some in case you need it later on.
- Drive your vehicle for at least 15 minutes to allow the Cataclean its own time in order.
- If you find that your onboard computer (OBDII) is giving error codes after driving the car, clear them to optimize its performance.
- Make sure you have at least 1/3 of gas in your tank before getting an engine cleaner to make sure there is enough pressure for it all to work properly.
- If you’re experiencing a fault with your car, it’s best to take it for a ride and let the dashboard do its job.
Best Product To Clean Your Catalytic Converter
If you need to clean your catalytic converter with the best cleaner, you can check below_ Top cleaner on the market right now.
Cataclean 120007 Complete Engine

This catalytic cleaner by cetacean helps to improve vehicles’ overall performance by reducing power reduction, rough idle, hesitation, hard start & lost fuel economy. Thanks to this amazing cleaner, if you failed the emission test, a few doses of this cleaner pass your following test.
Catalan is perfectly safe for every type of engine and catalytic converter including diesel and hybrid vehicles. But, it is not safe for a two-stroke engine.
Frequently Ask Questions About Cleaner
Can you clean the catalytic converter with water?
With a single word, yes you can clean the catalytic converter with water. You should follow some guidelines.
- Use hot water
- Don’t put in the hot water for more than an hour
- Take into the hot water & let it dry
- Now you are ready to reinstall it
Is it possible to clean a catalytic converter?
You can do it by yourself. There is no need for professional help if you follow our guidelines & keep every necessary equipment which we’ve mentioned.
Does cleaning a catalytic converter work?
If you regulate your catalytic converter with a perfect cleaner, with a perfect guideline, it works superbly. You could get the same responses as a new one.
Does seafoam clean catalytic converters?
Sea Foam is not a substitute for cleaning your catalytic converter, but it does help you avoid the problems that cause it in the first place. At least with this treatment all of our other important parts get cleaned too.
Final Thought
I hope, everything is clear to you. Now, you can pick your catalytic converter, necessary equipment & cleaner. You will get a better result, it could be a fragment of your imagination. Best Of Luck!
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